Nature studies in field and wood

Book title: Nature studies in field and wood
Author: Chester A. Reed
Editor: Charles K. Reed
Publication year: 1911
Copyright: Charles K. Reed, 1911
Format: 5 ½ x 7 ½
Type of cover: Green fabric cover
Number of pages: 112 pages, 40 drawings
Retail prince in 1911: 0.60$ (us)
Mailing cost: 0.10$
Chester A. Reed had a passion for birds. However, after becoming the curator for the Worcester Natural History Society in 1908, he expanded his fields of interest, which was very appreciated by his readers. Chester explored his naturalist side to publish a book about nature in general.
We have to remember that there was a popular movement pushing an interest in Nature Study at the time. Teachers were a good public for that type of book. Although the book showed Chester’s growing interest for nature study, it was also interesting to the field of environmental education.
Chester complemented his texts with color or black and white drawings to feed the reader’s interest. Many topics are addressed: animals, plants, insects, grass snakes, turtles, etc.
There is a version of the book published by “Doubleday, Page & Company” with 1911 as the publication year. However, the book was probably reprinted after 1916, when “Doubleday, Page & Company” acquired the publication rights for all books edited by Charles K. Reed.