Wild Bird of New England

Book title: Wild Bird of New England
Author: Chester A. Reed
Editor: Mohonk Salesrooms
Publication year: 1912
Copyright: 30 May 1912, Chas. K. Reed, Worcester, Mass.
Format: 5 x 7 inches
Type of cover: Artisanal type cardboard cover
Number of pages: 56 pages, 37 color drawings
Retail price in 1912: ??
Mailing cost: ??


This book was an almost exact copy of “Wild Birds of New York,” published by Mohonk Salesrooms (1). It allowed Chester to reach a new market: the souvenir gift.

The book cover seemed to use the paper marbling technique, which resulted in a unique cover. The book was bound by staples in the middle, but a decorative string on the side of the cover made it look like an artisanal binding.

Although the ads mentioned 40 color drawings, there were only 37. It was printed on glossy paper, included over 100 descriptions of birds, and gave an overview of the region’s most common species.
At the end of the book was a comprehensive list of the region’s species in a table. It indicated if the birds were residents or migratory and if they nested in the region. The book was sold in a decorative box, which added a special touch to the content to encourage buying it as a gift or to keep it as a souvenir of a trip to the region.(2)

The book was devoted to birds. A few months later, in July 1912, a second book completed the collection. Using the same format, the new edition featured a wide range of flowers found in the New England region.(3).

You can consult the slideshow of the presentation.

  1. (1) Consult the book “Wild Birds of New York” for more information of the relationship between Charles K. Reed and Mohonk Salesrooms.
  2. (2) Consult the slideshow for the book “Wild Flowers of New England” to see an example of a gift box.
  3. (3) Consult the book «Wild Flowers of New England»